Bow Wow gets punched in his face by a local Atlanta rapper proper noun Cheeks Bossman for disrespecting Time to come.

A curt video surfaced online on Tuesday showing a man running up on Bow Wow. The rapper/actor vicious to the basis and then the video cutting so we didn't encounter what happened side by side. Sources are saying Bow Wow was knocked out cold and members of his crew had to fight of his attacker who is reportedly a local rapper proper name Cheeks Bossman.

Bossman attacked Bow Wow for allegedly talking smack near beau Atlanta rapper Future. The one-minute clip shows Bow Wow hanging out with some other guys and while they were leaving the venue that's when Bossman ran up on his and grab him off guard. Sources say Shadmoss did not go to the hospital and did not written report the incident to police force. I suspect that you will hear from him soon on social media.

It's also unclear what Bow Wow was saying about Time to come, just let's not forget that he used to engagement Ciara way back in the days earlier she had a baby with Time to come. So perhaps there is a small beef going on between them stemming from their respective relationships with Ciara. Watch the video footage beneath.