Your eyes can go so tired from reading so many lines of web copy, sitting in front of a calculator screen all day, while besides maintaining leisure activity on your smaller phone screen in your downtime. With all the heavy lifting they accept to do these days, sometimes fifty-fifty several pairs of eyes tin miss errors.

Peradventure you hitting "mail" earlier putting the link in your caption, or y'all notice a discussion is misspelled just a moment too late. Don't panic (however) – in this postal service I'll go over how yous can edit your social media posts after they've been published.

Only worth noting, editing posts after they've been published isn't available on all platforms, and there are restrictions every bit to what, exactly, you tin edit.

Here are the mail editing capabilities on some of the main social platforms.


On Facebook, you're able to edit post captions, but you can't alter images and videos.

If you attached the wrong photo or video to your post, you'll have to delete the whole thing and start again, but if yous just missed a comma or misspelled a discussion, or even if you have to tag some other brand, you can prepare these elements quite easily. And worth noting, mail service editing is available in Facebook's Folio Manager app also.

One affair to go along in mind when editing posts on Facebook is that edits are visible, and can exist fabricated past any Page admin. The same also applies for changes fabricated before the postal service is published.

Each mail's edit history is also public, so your followers and Folio visitors will be able to come across them if they get looking.

And i more matter to go on in mind is that Facebook posts which accept been additional, or are function of an ad campaign, cannot be edited.

To edit a post, simply tap/click on the iii dots in the height right of the post window and select 'Edit Mail'. once you lot've fabricated the required changes, select 'Save' and that'due south it.

Facebook post editing

Extra Tip

If you edit your post in Facebook's Pages app, you can add together more photos to your post. Using this, you tin can actually modify the post image - it'due south possible to upload an extra photo to a post, save information technology, then get dorsum into editing style and deleted the original prototype.


Unfortunately - as has been widely publicized and discussed - at that place's no edit tweets option at the moment.

Twitter had, at times, hinted at the possibility of an editing option, with the most recent discussion revolving around an 'editing window' of effectually five minutes later on posting your original tweet. Simply no progress has been reported on this forepart as yet.

If you lot make an error in a tweet, you need to delete it and start over once again.


On Instagram, merely like on Facebook, you can't switch a photo or video after you've published your post. But if you don't similar your explanation, you can alter it, and y'all tin can also add or alter any location tag, as well as add or delete account tags on the post. Yous can likewise add or edit your alt text tags.

As of right now, you can only edit your Instagram captions within the app on your mobile device.

To edit your Instagram posts:

  1. Navigate to your postal service
  2. Click the iii dots on the top right of your post
  3. Hit the "Edit" button
  4. Go ahead and edit your caption, change your location, add together account tags to your photo or video
  5. Hit "Done" on the upper right-hand side

Instagram post editing


On Pinterest, your published Pivot photo, video or carousel can't be swapped out. What y'all can edit are your Pivot's board, section, championship, description and the link your Pin goes to. You can even edit on the go via the Pinterest app.

To edit your Pinterest Pivot:

  1. Go to your Pivot
  2. Click the pencil icon on the upper left-manus side
  3. Edit the sections you'd like to alter
  4. Hitting "Save"


On LinkedIn, you have the capacity to edit both Visitor Page and personal profile updates - but as with other networks, the image or video you employ on your mail service cannot exist edited. You tin can simply change the text elements.

To edit your posts on LinkedIn

  1. Find your mail
  2. Click the three dots on the upper correct-mitt side of your update
  3. Edit your explanation, add or remove hashtags and links

If yous published a link post, you'll accept to delete the mail, as just changing the link in the caption won't refresh the original.

Hopefully this helps to clear up any defoliation about editing your already published social media posts. For the most role, the visual elements of your posts aren't interchangeable, merely text fields are.

Information technology'south worth getting familiar with each social media network, and its capabilities in this respect, so that you know the required steps to take if any mistakes do occur. And then you'll be able to clean up your errors quickly and hands, and maintain a more professional looking feed.

A version of this postal service was showtime published on Dhariana Lozano's blog.